Starting Financial Education Early

Big Advantages for Financial Literacy

Networks Financial Institute cited that the reason financial literacy is not being taught in the classroom is “the lack of time, lack of state curriculum requirements and lack of demand…according to teachers.” While these teachers may be smart in subjects they teach, finance may be an unfamiliar, daunting topic that many of them are uncomfortable teaching.

With schools unable to offer this critical education, it’s up to parents to give their teens the knowledge they need. But between working, managing their own financial plans and taking care of their children, not to mention all the other commitments they have, it can be challenging for parents to take the time to pass on good financial strategies and habits to their children. read article.


10 Reason Financial Education should be taught in schools

The need to educate our kids about money is simply greater than ever. Here’s 10 reasons why.

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Benefits of Financial Education in High Schools

By the time today’s teenagers reach 40 years old, they’re more likely to be buried in student and credit card debt and face zero savings balances than they are to be thriving and well-prepared for retirement. That’s if we fail to deliver lessons in financial literacy for high school students. But this sad reality can be avoided. All we need to do is teach our teens about money. read article